Jul 10Liked by Laura Leffler

Well this made me lol. I’m an old millennial and it’s kinda crazy what a difference those few years made in our experiences!

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I really want to identify as an old millennial, but when it comes down to it, I am not 😂

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The nostalgia in this post 👩‍🍳💋

My husband and I are currently watching The Sopranos for the first time (no spoilers I've avoided knowing anything about the show for 25 years) and it's so fun to experience all the retro tech and go "Remember when...!"

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I’m watching with my 25 year old son right now too. He’s never seen it before and his reactions are priceless. Enjoy!

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I love this!!! I remember when it was playing on hbo on Sunday nights and my roommate’s boss would make her tape it for him on VHS tapes when he couldn’t watch live. And bring the tape the next day to work lol!! We couldn’t change the channel of course, so I was stuck watching one particularly violent scene and stayed away from the whole series for like a decade.

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I'm 37 and track changes freaks me out too! Word in general does a lot of things that send me into a panic.

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That actually makes me feel better, thank you 😅

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Learning is what keeps us going. I roll my eyes when writer friends my age (69) say they can’t figure these things out. They can, if they tried.

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My first computer class was in college on these massive boxes typing things like c::/whattheheck./)!!! And it was to do…something 🤷🏻‍♀️

Word STRESSES me out to no end. I’m a Google doc gal but know I will have to swap over to Word eventually and oh, the heart palpitations! 😆

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Yes! We had to type those commands to anything, omg, flashbacks 😱

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I’m five years older than you Laura and I loved this trip down memory lane! So funny, keep learning!

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A trip down memory lane for sure! As for track changes, it took me a while to figure out I could probably do them all at once, too!

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I hate Track Changes with every fiber of my being.

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kindred spirits!!

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Jul 11Liked by Laura Leffler

i work at a major gallery and we're still using an inventory system that was developed 20+ years ago! as a digital native, i feel like i'm rewiring my brain whenever i'm maneuvering in it to get things done. i'm also obsessed with you calling your laptop a "little fella!" so cute!

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HA HA HA! Art Base? Art Systems? I need to know! Also curious what gallery?

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The first time I got those damn line edits in track changes I had a panic attack. All the lines! All the red! It freaked me out completely. I lived, so you will too. I have 100% confidence in you. And I feel for you. The whole thing sucks.

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I remember having to take a mandatory two-hour IT class in order to be given my email adress at university back in 1998.

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😂😂 so good!

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Jul 10Liked by Laura Leffler

I'm a year or so older than you and I get ALL of this. I remember going to my roommate's house with a floppy disk my freshman year in college to print my first essay on her dot matrix because the computer lab was too busy. Yes, I want to keep learning; I also want my kids to appreciate how much I have learned so far given where I started!😂

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Omg what were those other disks that weren’t floppy…??? I had so many of those full of random stuff! I wonder if i could find them at my parents’ house somewhere 🔎 that would be insane. Dot matrix 💀💀💀💀

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Jul 11Liked by Laura Leffler

I think those hard square disks were also floppies?? We were definitely past the soft floppies by my college years, but thumb drives weren’t a thing yet. That’s a funny thought. I wonder if I have any floating around too. What would we even do with them??😂

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Oh my god, you're right. I just googled it. They were still called floppies even when they stopped being floppy! So ridiculous lol

There has to be some random hole in the wall tech store that has access to a floppy drive, right?

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OMG those track change button things are scary, and so are so many other buttons. I don't know how to use half of the stuff on my laptop. I learnt word-processing on WANG! On floppy-discs! I even had to use carbon papers on a typewriter before that. And send TELEX!! I have 16 thousand unread emails on my phone that I don't know how to turn into "read" without deleting. That said, I was on a flight to Barcelona last week and we were delayed for over two hours while sitting on the tarmac, so the pilots started doing cockpit visits. Now they have lots of buttons! They said they knew what all of them did, too. Imagine that!

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My sister who is 18 months older than I am had a word processor her first 2 years of college— an actual typewriter kind of machine with a small window that showed you abt 2 lines of type at a time and it was ALWAYS at risk of deleting everything! These younger generations really don’t know the agony of working for hours, days! And POOF gone. No wonder we are afraid of the buttons!

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Yes! I remember those. I agree, we are pretty traumatised by too many buttons. But when I did secretarial work we would literally squabble over who could use the word processor because nobody wanted to use those awful carbon things with the IBM typewriter. Although I seem to remember the late models had some sort of correcting mechanism where you could type a certain amount of letters, check them, and hit a button to get the machine to actually put them on paper. I mayb be mistaken. I was too busy flirting with my boss. We've been married 35 years!!

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Omg the twist in this comment! 🖤🖤🖤 love it

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Jul 10Liked by Laura Leffler

I also get hives looking at Track Changes. Oregon Trail Generation here.

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