"What's the worst that could happen?" This is such an important question for writers (maybe everyone) when facing those, what feel like edge-of-the-cliff decisions (oh look, it's just a curb, not a cliff). A good reminder for me, here in the querying trenches - so thank you for that - and congratulations! I am looking forward to reading the book!
First, congrats! Second, I’ve made the return mistake as well (seriously, who coded that to be that way? Have they never written anything before?). Lastly, I am much newer to this world than you but have been absolutely shocked at how nice most folks are. It is really cool!
I feel like so many people talk about the struggles in publishing your debut (which seems very valid LOL) so it’s nice to see the breath of fresh air / positivity 🥹🥹
What an amazing response, Laura! I am printing this out as a reminder when it is my time to ask. But your work is obviously worth the praise! I look forward to reading!
It's so funny how easy it is to assume negative outcomes when in reality, people are so much nicer than we expect! I love that you had such a positive response to your blurb requests. This is so encouraging to read!
"What's the worst that could happen?" This is such an important question for writers (maybe everyone) when facing those, what feel like edge-of-the-cliff decisions (oh look, it's just a curb, not a cliff). A good reminder for me, here in the querying trenches - so thank you for that - and congratulations! I am looking forward to reading the book!
WOW! This is so inspiring. I can't believe some of the names on that list!
So uplifting 🥰
Huge congratulations! I’m so glad you got a yes from so many people. This is an amazing success story.
First, congrats! Second, I’ve made the return mistake as well (seriously, who coded that to be that way? Have they never written anything before?). Lastly, I am much newer to this world than you but have been absolutely shocked at how nice most folks are. It is really cool!
Right?! I was horrified when I realized what I’d done
Poignant thoughts on your publishing journey. Love the IG ProTip you shared!Left me feeling hopeful that one day you’d blurb it forward for me too.
BLURB IT FORWARD! I love this!!
I feel like so many people talk about the struggles in publishing your debut (which seems very valid LOL) so it’s nice to see the breath of fresh air / positivity 🥹🥹
What an amazing response, Laura! I am printing this out as a reminder when it is my time to ask. But your work is obviously worth the praise! I look forward to reading!
thank you!
It's so funny how easy it is to assume negative outcomes when in reality, people are so much nicer than we expect! I love that you had such a positive response to your blurb requests. This is so encouraging to read!
Congratulations—that’s quite a list 🤩
How unbelievably exciting! I bet it was so scary but it’s amazing you did it — and clearly worth it!
This is SO encouraging! And I very much look forward to the day I'm asked to blurb someone else's debut book :-)
It’s funny, it never occurred to me as something to look forward to until I started asking
So very happy for you!!!!
Love this so much. Umm...that first blurb? Lisa Jewell? Amazing!
I'm impressed and pleased to hear that all but one responded!